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Rev'd Liam Dacre-Davis


I grew up in Bristol before relocating to Aberystwyth to study. I met my wife, Holly, in Aberystwyth and completed a master’s degree looking at the representation of Christianity in 1970s British horror films!I didn’t grow up in the Church, but eventually jumped from one denomination to the next before unexpectedly finding a home in Methodism.Before moving to Birmingham to study theology and train for Methodist ministry, I worked for a number of years with those living with Dementia which proved formative in developing a pastoral approach to my faith.I’ve previously served in Walsall, but I am currently the minister of Bishop Street Methodist Church in Leicester City Centre, and Methodist Chaplain at the University of Leicester. I enjoy surrounding myself with difference and discovering God at work among people of different theologies or other faiths. Being able to celebrate all that we hold in common, while learning from our differences, encourages grace and is a real commitment to loving our neighbours.I enjoy spending time with Holly and our two children; you’ll often find us bug hunting or exploring Leicester Museum!

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