stands in the heart of the village and has been a centre of Christian witness since 1852. It is a modest yet charming building that is greatly loved and cared-for by its small but active congregation. Membership is increasing at present and a very warm welcome is given to all who come through our doors. Our main Sunday service is at 10.30am but services are sometimes held during the week and for special occasions.
The church plays an important part in village life with many local organisations using it as their base. It is also a popular venue for concerts and lectures as its warm and welcoming interior is blessed with excellent acoustics.
Surprisingly, Houghton's little Chapel played a significant part in 20th century Methodism, as it was where, at the age of seventeen, Dr. Leslie D. Weatherhead gave his first sermon. Dr. Weatherhead, who grew up in Leicester, became one of Methodism's most charismatic preachers and the author of many influential books. He was so nervous that day, (September 3rd 1911), that as he preached he "picked at the cord sewn round the cushion on which the Bible rested, until inch by inch I had it all off."