At the last Circuit Meeting, one of our hard-working Editors mentioned that the last edition of the Beacon was full of reports about things that had happened, but almost no-one had sent information about events that were planned to take place – and she was particularly sorry not to be able to include details of the forthcoming services for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.
It seems ironic now, as all the events that we were planning have been cancelled anyway, and we are all getting used to a very different way of life, and new ways of being church. Although we must be six feet apart, we remain one in the Spirit, one in hope, and one in love. I can see the Holy Spirit guiding us to care for one another, and to show that we are one.
Churches Together invited us to light a candle at 7pm on Mothering Sunday, and place it in the window, as a sign that Christ is the Light of the World, a light that no darkness can quench. And then to offer a prayer for mothers and their children everywhere.
Perhaps we could extend that idea by lighting a candle every evening at 7pm, and praying for those who are ill, those who are struggling with the unaccustomed restrictions, who are afraid for the people they love, and who are separated from their friends and family.
Of course, I have to remind you not to leave a burning candle unattended, and not to put it near to the curtains! Perhaps a battery-operated candle would be a good idea, especially if there are children in your house.
I hope that in this online version of the Beacon, it will help you to find a church service online. Ministers are trying to work out ways of putting services on-line. Please see details via email for details as to how to take part. If you have not been contacted please let your minister have your email address. I'm sure that once they have it 'sorted'; it will work well. There may also be a way off joining in via your phone, although that could be expensive depending on your phone contract.
There are also services on-line from Wesley Hall.
Keep safe and keep trying with the technology.