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Birstall & Rothley Methodist Churches News Sunday 14th June 2020

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Birstall & Rothley Methodist Churches News Sunday 14th June 2020

Another week gone, I can't believe how fast the time is going. Thank you all for your contributions, as always if there is anything you would like including in the newsletter, please email birstallmethnotices@gmail.com or ring Susan on 07810 460817 before 1pm on Tuesday.

Each year, in June, we focus on one book of the Bible, and this year we shall be reading RUTH. Her story is one that's very special to a lot of people.
We shall hear a chapter at a time each Sunday morning, and then there will be the opportunity to join in an online Bible Study on Sunday evenings.
I hope you will be able to join us – this is the link for the each Bible Study (the same link each Sunday evening):
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81500158737? pwd=dllWNEtIZkppcG5tSVFBQmFXcnk5UT09
Meeting ID: 815 0015 8737 Password: 569282

If you would be happy to read for the Zoom services on Sunday Mornings, please ring Joan on 2671392.
Stephanie says that if anyone is feeling fed up, lonely, or would just like a chat, please let her know, and she will contact you by phone, text or email, whichever you'd like....
07731342087 stephaniehoulden@icloud.com

John Kilby has been busy writing another book. He is hoping it will be printed soon after the lockdown is all over.
It will be called ' A walk around Old Birstall", and will focus on the history of Birstall Road, Church Hill, and Front street, including photographs.

He also said to watch out for a wandering deer in Whiles Lane, which should be featured in next months Birstall Post.
Richard Kilby, the local milkman, was delivering in the village recently and saw a deer run along Front street, and into the car park of the doctor's surgery on Whiles Lane. It then leapt into the garden of the first bungalow, a drop of maybe 20 feet.A day or two later Richard mentioned the deer to someone in Whiles Lane, and they said that they had taken a photograph of it...
It seems that we have all sorts of wildlife visiting Birstall.

From Stephanie
Isn't nature wonderful?
Last week I went into my greenhouse to water my tomato plants( thank you Joy Bark).
Out of the corner of my eye I saw a movement, and realised that there was a Wren perched on an empty seed tray, with a beak full of insects.

I was really annoyed that once again I didn't have my phone in my pocket, so I couldn't take a photograph, but then I said to myself "Stephanie, just enjoy the moment".
It was only 2 feet away from me, the closest I've ever been to a Wren.
I looked at it its lovely markings, how tiny it was, all the insects in its beak.
It looked at me, rearranging the insects in it's mouth, before swallowing them, then flew off.
I thought "if I'd had my phone I'd have been fiddling about with it and I would have missed actually looking at it"

A belated Happy Birthday to Shirley for last Monday, Pauline and Claude for last Tuesday and Happy Wedding Anniversary to Shirley and Claude for Wednesday. We have probably missed lots of other birthdays too, so if you have had your birthday, Happy Birthday!

From James Blackhall
I'd like to thank my friends at Birstall and Rothley for their kind words, cards, thoughts and prayers on the loss of my dad. It has been of great comfort.

Joy Hamps of Rothley writes about the present time we are in.
This Coronavirus will go down in history like the Plague, the Black Death and the Spanish Flu after the First World War.
If nothing else it makes us all realise how we take our lovely simple lives for granted, being able to go to the local shops without being muffled up, seeing your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren and having a cuddle. I have recently had a new great granddaughter, so looking forward to when I will meet her...
How we miss going to Church on Sunday and meeting our friends there. Tuesday mornings Coffee Shop held in the schoolroom, missing the company of everyone who comes.
We just hope and pray this time will soon pass, so we can be together again!

From Shirley Little Birds
It's 6 am in the morning,
and the birds are all in song.
As I laid there in my bed
I listened, oh it's been so long
since I heard the whistles
and the calls I thought.
Hoped they hadn't got the bug!
And got a poorly throat.
But joyfully as they sing
to each other,
and the tales they had to tell,
I know my maker had kept them under his wing, and kept them safe and well.
Keep singing little birds,
your chorus is just great.
Will you come into my garden too? don't stay at number eight........

Reflective Writing of Memories
Earlier this week I wrote about one of my childhood memories, just as I had remembered it, and I wrote it as it had been told many times by myself and other members of my family. Then I sat back and reflected on the story, the events that took place and the people involved. It was then I realised I had 'missed out' some important aspects of the events that had taken place.
I was telling the story from my perspective, from a historical position sixty years ago. I should appreciate the world has moved on, attitudes have changed. I need to take more time to
consider the effect on the other people involved in these events. Whilst I may have a veritable clutch of 'amusing anecdotes' from family life, there are sometimes deeper deliberations that need to be explored, and in that way giving rightful recognition to the embarrassment, shock, and even suffering of the people involved.
So, given more time I will relate the events, and then add some worthwhile reflections on my experiences as a young lad and the people around me. Until next time then.......

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