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Great Glen Rededication


The great day (or rather 2 days = 1 weekend) has come and gone. We seem to have been waiting for it for so long and it feels as though it was over in a flash. But what an inspiration and a delight it was.

Saturday 23 September saw the Rededication Service conducted by our minister, Rev Fran Rhys, with Rev Edson Dube, the incoming Superintendent Minister of the Leicester Trinity Circuit, as our preacher. The church, already attractively and ingeniously decorated for harvest by June Murray and Elizabeth Gilbert, looked superb. In the presence of Councillor Grahame Spendlove-Mason, Chairman of Harborough District Council, our architect, John Dodson RIBA AABC of Parkinson Dodson of Tugby, and Mrs Vicki Dolphin of Leicestershire Historic Churches Trust, and various other distinguished guests who had helped us achieve our goal, a full congregation enjoyed a creative liturgy prepared by Fran and were inspired by a challenging sermon from Edson, as well as enthusiastically singing hymns and worship songs specially chosen for the occasion. We then happily made our way to the hall for delightful refreshments laid on by our caterer, Claire.

Sunday 24th dawned bright and warm but looking suitably autumnal, just right for Harvest Thanksgiving. The church was packed for an imaginative service which included a drama performed by members of 'Life' (our youth group) and a solo by Emma Davey as well as the usual ingredients. The singing of the well-loved harvest hymns and one or two more modern songs ably supported by our visiting organist, David Burley, (for whose help we are most grateful) could be heard in Oadby! This was followed by a delicious lunch provided by church members for themselves and their guests. In turn, lunch gave way to 'Open Church' in the afternoon for those who had been unable to make the service, when over 100 people came to admire the alterations and improvements and were offered tea, coffee and home-made cakes. Everyone exclaimed how lovely the church now looks, how warm and welcoming, and yet expressing reverence and a sense of God's presence, as well as being faithful to its historic context.

Our very grateful thanks are due to everyone who helped to make the weekend such an outstanding success, but above all we say: 'THANKS BE TO GOD!'

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