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Paula's letter 5th May 20

paula hunt

May 5th 2020

Dear Friends
I was really struck by some statistics on the news the other day. No – don't stop reading! Even if you hate maths, you'll understand this. I promise.
Its about the "R" factor – the rate of infection of Coronavirus. Apparently, at the beginning, each infected person gave it to two or three others. That doesn't sound very dramatic, does it? Each one infected two or three more, each of whom infected two or three more, each of whom infected .... but I'm sure you get the picture. The infection spread like a wildfire, but each person only passed it to two or three others.
In order to get this pandemic under control, we need to make sure that each infected person gives it to less than one other. That sounds like nonsense, but if, for every two people who are infected, only one other person catches it, the pandemic will recede, and the country can cope.
To match the pandemic of infection, there has also been a pandemic of care – and that's spread in just the same way. Each person who is not self-isolating gets the shopping, or the prescriptions, for two or three others. Each person who is well (self-isolating or not) phones two or three others. Yes, I know that some people have done much more than that – but generally, what this situation has shown is that if you make a difference in the lives of two or three other people, you can make a big difference in the world. And that difference can be good and positive (like getting the shopping), or it can be horrible and destructive (by making them ill).
I reckon that we can all make a difference to two or three other people. Most of us are doing that already. And if, while we're at it, we can tell them about the God who cares for them, and who can ignite a flame of love and purpose in their lives – well, that could start a pandemic that I'd like to see!
What do you think?
With much love, and prayers that you will continue to be blessed by God's presence.

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