30th June 2020
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
Having heard of the extended period of lockdown which is being put in place in Leicester, just as other communities are being offered a significant relaxation of the rules I wanted to write and assure you of my love and prayers and those of the District and the connexion. The Methodist Conference is meeting virtually and the President prayed for you, your communities, hospitals, schools, businesses, care homes and churches this morning.
I know how hard this must be for you all, after so many weeks of restricted activity, and how many of you have lost loved ones and already been impacted on by Covid-19. I am aware there have been some mixed messages and little warning of what was being put in place for Leicester. Clarity helps and uncertainty just adds to anxiety. I wanted to write to you to assure you that the whole District is praying for you and to thank you for your continued faithful witness as Methodist people in Leicester. I know that you will continue to be kind, generous and compassionate Christian neighbours to all who are impacted by this decision.
We hold you, and all whom you care for, in the everlasting and generous love of God.
Every blessing,