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Theological Book Club!

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Michael Wadsworth writes with news of the new sessions of Theological Book Club recommencing in March. Please contact Michael to register. New and existing members welcome (first come first serviced basis).

Theological Book Club!

Hopefully by now you're aware that I host a Theological Book Club for the district. So far we've looked at two books together: Holy Attention and The Prophetic Imagination. I'm sure those who have been a part of the club in the past will agree that it is a fun, stimulating and thought-provoking group to be a part of. As we have come to the end of our second book, we're planning on starting a new one in March, and are re-opening for new members!

If you'd like to join us for our fortnightly sessions please would you email me on wadsworthm@methodistchurch.org.uk to register your interest. Please note that in order preserve the quality of conversation and ensure opportunities to participate, membership is limited to 30 and will be given on a first come first serve basis.

Sessions happen every other Tuesday afternoon – 4-5:30pm – on Zoom!

Our new book is "Is God Colour-blind?" by Anthony Reddie (2020 Revised and Updated Edition). You can buy a copy for around £10 on Amazon or seek one out from a local Christian Bookshop. There are 6 chapters plus an Introduction and Afterword. We will work our way through a chapter a fortnight over 12-14 weeks. Whilst we appreciate you might not be able to make every week, please make sure you can commit to the regular time slot if you are going to sign up.

The First Session is planned for Tuesday 9th of March. This should give participants enough time to sign up, get the book and read the first chapter. I look forward to hopefully welcoming you into the book club in a month's time! Until then, stay safe and well and happy reading!

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