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Community Bible Study


COMMUNITY BIBLE STUDY AT BIRSTALL METHODIST CHURCH. The CBS group at Birstall is now in its 21st year with 16 regular members who come to us from across the city and county.

We are a multi-denominational group and anyone is welcome to come and join us in this year's study. At the time of writing (end of October) we are six weeks into our journey with Moses and the Israelites from the Red Sea to the River Jordan.
We meet on Thursday morning at 9-45am until approximately 11-45am in the church lounge, during school term time only.

Our study is usually of around 30 week's duration and involves home study and group discussions with a summary talk to close.

If you are interested in joining us at Birstall please contact Brian Cottam on 01162674339 or
email charlescottam674@btinternet.com for further details.

Please note there are several very active CBS groups around the city and county which meet on different days and times, using other Old and New Testament studies.

Please ask for information.

For CBS meeting dates for 2017/2018 click here

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