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Thursday Women's Group

news 2

We welcome all Ladies to Thursday Group, where we meet for friendship and fun.

We have Speakers, Demonstrations, Outings, Coffee Evenings.

We also fund raise for local charities and our church.

Our meetings start at 7:30pm in the Church Coffee Shop.

Autumn Programme
SEPT 2017 – JAN 2018

7 Cheque presentation & committee at home
14 AGM
21 (away) 'ark at our Peter', tales of a Loughborough lad, Ruth Coward
28(away) The origins and meaning of surnames, Sandy Leong

5 Church bells, Brenda Hooper
12 Harvest festival (no produce auction)
19 Project speaker
26 Calke Abbey, Jane Corbett

2 A wartime and austerity Christmas, Felicity Austin
9 The Dogs' Trust, Ella Tong
16 Craft evening for Church festival with Karen Matthews
23 Leicester Search and Rescue (tbc)
24/25 Church festival
30 Anita Purkiss, Salvation Army

7 Carol service, with Monday Group & Network
14 Christmas party
21 No meeting
28 No meeting

4 Beetle drive
11 Slides & music, Peter & Barbara Watson
18 'What business is it of yours?', Sandra Moore
25 Meal outing

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